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PUBLIC LAND AUCTION - FORD COUNTY FARMLAND PATTON TOWNSHIP (W) 113.33 +/- Acres Smith Family Land Trust, Sellers

  • Gordyville 2205 County Rd 3000 N Gifford, Illinois USA (map)


LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The West Half (W 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Thirteen (13) in Township Twenty-three (23) North, Range Nine (9) East of Third Principal Meridian, excepting therefrom, beginning on the West line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) a distance of 445.0 feet South of the Northwest Corner of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4); thence South 345.0 feet on said West line; thence Easterly 842.0 feet at right angles; thence North 345 feet parallel with said West line; and thence Westerly 842 feet to the point of beginning, situated in the County of Ford and State of Illinois.  – Parcel 11-13-13-300-006


The West Half (W1/2) of the East Half (E1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Twenty Three (23) North, Range Nine (9) East of the  Third Principal Meridan, Ford County, Illinois – 11-13-13-300-002

LAND LOCATION: Farm located just West of Paxton Airport, South of Route 9.  Address is 342 N. 1700 E. Road, Paxton, IL  60957


TAXES:  2020 Taxes Totaled $2510.02

Auction Date                         Monday, April 26th, 2021  at 10:00 a.m.

Auction Location                 Pueblo Lindo Event Center- 615 N. Railroad Ave, Paxton, IL  60957

Auction Inquires: Jim 217.202.9919 or Ed 217.621.7126

Auction Terms                    

10% down on Auction day, balance payable on or before May 26th, 2021.  2020 taxes payable in 2021 will be paid by the sellers, all taxes thereafter will be paid by the buyer. Possession will be given, free of tenants rights on day of formal closing. Sale held subject to the approval of sellers. Announcements Sale Day will take precedence over any printed material.  POSSESSION:  Seller shall deliver possession of the Premises to Buyer concurrently with the closing, subject to the 2021 cash rent farm lease of. Said lease provides for total rent payments for the year of $20,905.  Seller shall assign said lease to Buyer without recourse at closing.  The lease provides for the remaining 50% to be paid in November 2021.  At closing Buyer shall complete a W-9 for purposes of facilitating the proper reporting of the cash rent to the IRS.


Smith Family Land Trust, Sellers

Bill Scott, Attorney


Later Event: April 30
ILQHA 4 AQHA Spring Show